Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Leaves...and Dirt!

Yesterday we went outside to play in the leaves. Andrew and I were having the best time tossing them up, taking pictures and crunching them...then I remembered I had another child. I found Jackson a few feet away in a pile of dirt. He was happy as could be because no one had stopped him from eating it. These pictures don't do him justice...he had it from head to toe. I craved dirt when I was pregnant with him (don't ask) but never thought he would like it as much as he does. I just had to laugh. Who knows...maybe I am just jealous :)


Bekah: said...

sometimes I forget I have any kids. A whole day passes and I think where are my kids?

Ok only once a week does it happen...

Heidi said...

ha ha I bet he was loving you guys off doing your leaf photo shoot so he could be left to the dirt. Oh and I craved sand while pregnant with Max

natalie palmer said...

hey! scott has a smaller version of the exact shirt that andrew has on in these pictures! alicia... we think so much a like. we're basically soul sisters. :) congrats to you all for getting in!