Anyway, We are great. Moved back to Utah and Kevin will graduate in June. We will hopefully get a job here. I love Utah but I sure do miss Arizona winters and living at the pool. We miss our friends but have had a fun time catching up with those that we left here.
Andrew is in kindergarten and Jack is in preschool 2 days a week. I teach a music class once a week which has been so so fun. Andrew and Jack are in indoor and outdoor soccer right now and do tumbling. We start baseball here in a few weeks so that will be fun.
We had some birthdays the last few months. Tyler turned 1 in January and Andrew turned 6 last week. Other than that we are just boring which is good after 3 broken bones in a month.
Here are a few...okay a lot of pictures about what has been going on. Oh and they are all out of order...whoops
The Birthday Boy Andrew!
I about died that he wanted a Pokemon Birthday Party. No idea what is was but now I am a Pokemon Master!
Snow finally. We had to wait till February for a good snow day!
Tyler at a year. Trying to use my nice new camera but pretty sure I just realized I need lessons not just a nice camera.
A friend of ours lost her hair due to cancer and my boys decided to join in!
There are few things better then Christmas PJ's!
My mom made each of the Grand kids a blanket as part of their Christmas. Everyone was in love!
Jack's winter concert!
Going to see Santa at the mall. Apparently they have new rules that you cant bring your own camera, hence the picture in front of the tree and not on Santa's lap...Lame
Bad Hair Day
And back to Christmas!
Visiting the boys Great-Grandpa Hinton.
Halloween! We had Mario Luigi and Tyler was sad that I don't even have a picture of the 3 of them together.
Scott and Carolina's wedding in Arizona.
Jackson's Birthday! He wanted a tennis birthday because apparently he is the best at tennis but i had no idea he even played.
Pumpkins with Grandma Trish
First Day of School!
We had a letter of the day for awhile and this was "P" day.
Kevin did a Triathlon and did awesome!
Just heard..."I just body checked ya" from the other room so I need to go referee but explanations of pics coming soon!