Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This summer has been so much fun for us. I have been a horrible blogger so I have decided to fill you all in. We have been crazy trying to do everything from Lake Powel to Camping to the County Fair to bike riding and of course everything in between. We have loved every second of it.
One interresting thing was that I opened the newspaper today and noticed that children under the age of 5 are not allowed in public swimming pools because of something being spread around. Well pretty sure we got it. They said that small children and pregnant woman are most likely to get it. Andrew was sick for awhile and had to be tested. We just assumed it was from Lake Powell but little did we know it was from the local pool. Funny hu?
We have been able to spend some time with friends who have come in town. It sure does make us miss them and glad we got to spend some time with them.
We are doing great and are excited for this new adventure of another baby. We still have so many things to fit in before he comes. Next weekend we are going camping again and then waterskiing...okay so being about 8 months prego and trying to camp is a bit hard but worth it for sure when I see how much fun Andrew has. We are also trying to fit in some other fun things so we need this baby to stay in for a little bit.


{owens} said...

Oh, yeah Alicia that cryptosporidium is the pits. My sis got it from a pool last month. It's bad news. Watch for dehydration for sure.! Good luck.

mattnbeth said...

leash! andrew is gettting so big. hes so cute. i love all the pics of him! wheres the pic of you prego? :)

Scott and Katie said...

You guys have had quite the summer! Love Andrew in the little chef's hat. I can't believe you got the "pool" thing. I'm so sorry! I hope you are feeling good and I can't wait for Kevin Jr. the second to come soon. (Hopefully while I'm there!)Thanks for the update!

Heidi said...

I heard about that when I was in Utah too- I heard it was in quite a few pools around Salt lake and Provo- yuck! Too bad you guys got it!

Thanks for finally posting, LOVE Andrew as a chef, how darling is he!

Chelsea said...

Congratulations on another baby!!

taryn said...

Geez, you are sick again! When have you not been sick or dehydrated or in an out of the hospital this pregnancy? Love, love, LOVE the picture of Andrew in the chef's hat and apron!

blythe said...

I love that little mush! He is such a cutie. Can't wait to see baby brother!

Ammon said...

Hey Kevin! It's been forever since I've seen you. Where are you?

LLJ said...

Hey Kevin, Glad to see what you've been up to since high school! Your little man isn't the spitting image of you at all!!! :o)
Laurie (Ellis) Burke

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