Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Winter has finally gone....I hope

We have had such a wonderful winter but I am so ready for it to be over. I am ready for spring. Andrew just begs to go outside and it is a bit hard when everything is covered with snow and it is way too cold to be outside for very long. Today was great and I hope there are just warmer days to come.


Heidi said...

Finally an update!! Andrew is a little bug snug in a rug!!! I love him.

Isn't his birthday coming up very soon? You better have a post of his birthday!

blythe said...

He is such a mush! I am ready for spring too! I love the new pic of you and Andrew.

blythe said...

i mean Kevin...

Lauren said...

cute baby! I hope we can see you three soon.

Ames Family said...

Andrew is so dang cute. Sorry about your back, hope you are doing better. I am sure that Andrew's bday was a blast. I will call you monday and we will plan something!

Bekah: said...

hey guys! our blog is up, check it out @ http://rayfamilysunshinebunch.blogspot.com/
so...we really want to hear the latest school decesions, etc! you guys can always just move here and be residents for a year and than apply...haha :) hope all is well! we love you