My amazing husband helping out on Christmas Eve. He makes great mashed potatoes.
B I N G O!!!
The famous Quarter Game...Andrew was so excited and all he could think about was just how many gumballs he could get with all those quarters.
My mom now has 19 grandkids! It was a fun hectic night.
Me sporting my quarters. I think I took the cake with $25.25. (The Quarter game is pretty much grabbing as many quarters as you can in one handfull out of a jar that is tricky to get your hand out of... then you get to keep them. Sound dumb? I don't think so car will stay real clean for a little while.)
My cute little shepard in the Nativity we put on. It was perfect! Just as the narrorator stated that the Shepards spoke with one another Andrew perked up and said to his cousin "Am I a Shepard?" We got a good laugh!
Christmas morning!
Christmas PJ's
Andrew got some silly string in his stocking so we had to go try it out.
We love all this snow! Keep it coming. All I can think about is that I hope it helps Lake Powell again this year!
what a great holiday! so much fun - and darling christmas pjs!
You're little boy's kill me! I Love all the christmas pics and I loved your Christmas card!
Merry BeLated Christmas!
Millie and I have missed our playdates. I can't wait to get them going again. Thank you so much for your darling Christmas card. It really turned out so cute. Let's get together soon!
it looks like you guys had such a fun christmas! i wanted to see you guys so much but alas, we barely had time to breath! i think we're coming out this summer though so we'll definitely put you at the top of our list.
Frolf anyone?
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