Monday, August 11, 2008


I don't usually do the tags but I liked reading other and I am a bit bored so I thought I would give it a whirl.

I know:I am really lucky and really blessed
I want: a big family because I loved having so many brothers and sisters (I hope I don't go insane first)
I wish: I could be a ski bum and live in Lake Powell
I smell: BAD I went running and then have been painting all night! AHH
I miss: My Dad
I hate: the word panties
I fear: Bees and spiders! I know this is silly because the worst that happens is that they sting you and it doesn't even hurt but I am freakishly terrified of them.
I crave: Sugar Cookies. I can't leave them alone
I search: For any way to get my child to sleep at night. He is a pill. Right now I am sleeping at my mom's with Andrew so Kevin can let Jackson cry it out. I am the pushover.
I regret: never going on a mission...Kevin got in the way :)
I love: My family- my family, my in-laws, my little family...I am really just lucky. we are all normal and we are good friends.
I always: Say my Prayers! I can't fall asleep without doing it.
I believe: In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
I dance: all the time. Kevin just laughs at me.
I sing: every backyardagains song. I told myself I would never be that type of mom but I fall asleep singing them.
I don't always:love being a mom...2am...4am...5am...6am
I write: in my journal and I try to be good about my boys journals
I lose: Halo- Kevin makes me play and I can't figure the dang thing out. I can't aim worth anything.
I win: At board games. I just get lucky
I never: Stay at home. I seriously think there might be something wrong but I go crazy in my house.
I listen: To rain all night long thanks to all our sound machines throughout the house.
I can actually be found: Baking, I love making breads and sweets
I am scared: That something will happen to Kevin or to my Boys
I am happy about: My Life


natalie palmer said...

hey hinton fam!
plamers here and we love your blog! alicia.. i would have answered half of these questions the same way you did - we're so alike! :) anyway we miss you guys, keep us posted!

Heidi said...

fun post Leash!

Bekah: said...

panties panties panties panties

HILARIOUS!!! i hope you never have girls because bryn refuses to call them {underwear} oh you crack me up, you are sooo funny!

good luck with letting jackson cry it out. that is so rough but sometimes a huge necessity. hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Girl, you are so cute! I loved reading your answers:) And I always have those blasted Backyardagains song's in my head too!!